Friday, December 9, 2011

December newsletter


Please pick up your copy of Contact if you haven't already done so. There are also copies of "Your Guild", the programme and booking form for the AGM at Southport from 30th March - 1st April, a letter calling for nominations for Chairman plus the new bookshop catalogue. Please collect these and any for friends who are not here tonight, but you will see before the next meeting.

A copy of Monica Selway's December NW Region Bulletin is available if you would like to read it, also a copy of a letter from our Acting Chairman Christine Poole.

Programmes for all the North West Area branches are available, so if you would care to visit any other branch see Marilyn who will bring the folder to meetings.

The details of the 2012 Summer School courses are now available and can be booked from Jan 15*2012.

Congratulations to Val on being elected Vice Chair of NW Regional Committee

Congratulations to John's granddaughter, Sarah who won the YE De-denne Competition. Her winning entry was on display at Harrogate, as were all the entries including John's "Green Man".


Edgeworth Craft Group meets at the Barlow Institute, Edgeworth in the library with different programmes for afternoons and evenings including "Textile Pictures", Felt making and Paper Work. For further details see Lesley King.

Johanna is running a workshop (Patchwork and embroidery made into items) on Tuesday mornings between 9.30and 11.30 at the Quest Centre, Brownlow Way, Halliwell, BL1 3UB. It's a roll on/roll off workshop and the cost is£7.00 per week. Machines and all materials are provided.

"Little Black Dress" exhibition at Tullie House Art Gallery, Castle Street, Carlisle, CA3 8TP (Tel. 01228 618718 from 10th December - 26th February Opening Times 1 10am - 4pm Monday - Saturday, 12pm - 4pm Sunday For further information about the exhibition or to request visuals please contact Fiona Venables on 01228 618734 / or Amy Walker on 01228 618774 /


Next year Molly's Cup title will be "Redo, Rework, Reform" REMINDERS

The North West Regional Day will be held on Saturday 28th April2012. Tickets £25 includes lunch andrefreshments.

Please start collecting pink items for the Pink Bag for the raffle prizes for the Southport AGM next March.

If you have any ideas for new books for the library, please tell Brenda. (An IBS number would be helpful) Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Judith if you have anything.

Don't forget our blog address for Bolton EG is Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is


May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year on behalf of Ann and the committee.

And more… There is a change of speaker for Jan. It will be Gillian Travis “Journeys through stitch”.

Dont forget to call in the Art Gallery to see the piece that we worked with Anna White. Its on till start of Feb.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December meeting

It was quite a miserable night to leave the home but there were about 30 of us attending the December meeting.There were lots of messages and several members” Showed and told”. The night had a Bulgarian theme ,inspired by the Olympic postcards. 011

Ann, Lesley and I provided Bulgarian food and there were worksheets and pictures to help inspire members.  The plan was to try and complete our postcards but I never managed to make a stitch.


The competition, a stitched Cracker was voted by each of our members and Ann was delighted to present Freda Hindle with a small prize.

I hope to include the newsletter later but in case I cannot,very good wishes to all my readers. Val

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Out and about,Padiham

I braved the Arctic conditions yesterday and went to Padiham branch. Kathryn demonstrated how to make a simple ,but very effective Christmas decoration and then we all had a go. We exchanged a Christmas card and voted for our Xmas competition,subsequently and deservedly won by Joan, our hard working secretary.


The branch continues to grow. Three more members were signed up during the afternoon. The first workshop on Boutis is now full. A date and time for a visit to Gawthorpe Hall was arranged : 1.30 on 21/02/12. Kathryn then reminded us to buy our tickets for the AGM weekend and said that due to numbers, two more workshops had been arranged.


We shared festive food and then arranged to meet at our next meeting in February. This will be based on our Kiribati postcards.Looking back to the start of the year,when numbers were low, I am delighted to acknowledge that we have another strong branch in our region.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Out and about,Bolton

Last night a number of us,arrived at the Bolton Museum and Art gallery to meet with Anna. We had been invited to the private viewing of her work. Anna White had won the Humphrey Spender Scholarship by taking photographs of Bolton, inspired by Humphrey Spenders “Worktown” of the 1930s. Anna had come to our October meeting to ask whether any of us would like to add a few stitches and words to her photographs. We then needed to return them at the November meeting


We were delighted to be involved and amazed by the final piece. We are even credited and named at the side.


The exhibition opens to the public today and continues until January 14th. Do go and visit.