Monday, October 28, 2019

October meeting

 I have two apologies. One the delay in putting this on line and two that I had to ask Ann to take photos and give a report because I was away in Ethiopia during the meeting. many thanks Ann.

Rachael Singleton Mixed media textile artist.
‘A stitch in line ‘
Rachael comes from a family of makers, parents and grandparents. She is interested in using stitch in the form of lines- timelines and lines in nature to bring an end product, at the moment river stones and seaside pebbles. We had a mini practical to complete. We were given a a triangle of cartridge paper from which we had to form a shape of curves. We have a workshop next year when we will be forming a similar shape and developing further. An interesting lecture with lots of samples.

I guess that there was no newsletter this month.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

September AGM

Brenda ran a short and slick AGM, where committee were introduced. Officers were prepared to stand again  as well. Our fees had to rise by £3.00. Im sure you will read all details in the AGM minutes.
Once this was over we began to stitch an unusual house made of pieces of felt. I understand that it was inspired by the national Day of Stitch theme. 


 We had also been asked to vote for Mollys Cup. This time the theme was" Inspired by Summer" and i am delighted to announce that Carol was our winner. Brenda presented her with our rose bowl and certificate. Here are the entries and finally Carol with her work and her presentation

Sylvia also starred this evening. She brought along a portrait of her friend , made of cross stitch. It was so realistic, incredible.

Embroiderers’ Guild – Bolton Branch      September 2019
Welcome to our first meeting of the 2019/20 season. There are copies of our programme for you to take and give to any friends who might like to join us, also posters.  Please take one if you know of a shop, etc who would display one.
On September 28th, the combined NW Regional day and AGM is at the Crofters Hotel in Garstang. You can attend the AGM only, in the morning free of charge. The theme for the Rose Bowl competition is “Twist it, Turn it”.  Please ask for an entry form if you want one.
Our Christmas competition for our December meeting is “A Christmas Surprise” – so plenty of scope!
The national Members’ Challenge for 2019/20 is “My Favourite Things” – people, places, mementos, etc.  Details on the Guild website, you will need to login.
We will be having a stall again at the Triangle Craft Fair on 16th November.  Last year we raised some £300 for our funds so we will need plenty of goodies to sell so we can be as successful this year.
The Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show takes place November 28 -1 December and this year we have a special interest as Marion Jazmik will be one of the artists featured in the galleries.  As before tickets are £11 if more than 10 are booked.  Tyrers are running a coach trip on Saturday, 30th.
Details of the Summer School 5th -7th June next year are on the notice board.
Gawthorpe Hall - 11 July until 3 November‘Strands of Place and Time’.   Work by Alice Kettle and others exploring cultural heritage and migration. Part of the 2019 British Textile Biennial.Bottom of Form
Astley Hall, Chorley – Farmhouse Gallery, ‘Time and Space’ by Step on Textile Artists.  6 – 29 Sept, open 12-3.30 except Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead – Work by Nikki Parmenter. 5 October to 22 December. Open Wed – Sun,10 – 5.
Manchester HOME Open Exhibition – a major art show; it is open to any resident of Greater Manchester to submit artwork. See the leaflet on the noticeboard or visit the website;  On 27 September, there is a roadshow at Bolton Central Library from 11am till 1pm where you can find out more information.
If you have any items for the sales table, please give them to Karen or Julie.  Please don’t just leave items on the table.
If you hear of any exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest to us, please tell Sheelagh.
Ann would welcome hand-made greetings cards to add to her stock for members’ birthdays.

Our Bolton blog:  
We now have Facebook pages for Bolton and NW Region. Please ‘like us’ to help publicise     the Guild and our activities.

Guild website: