It was a delight to welcome Sue Tyldesley last week, to our meeting. I have known her for many years. A long time ago I saw a demonstration about encaustic art and even though I was fascinated, i could not see its application to embroidery. Barbara and I were at an exhibition a few tears ago and i recagnised Sues work and realised that she had used this skill and that it really worked!! Sue came to parbold last year and my senses were awakened. Last week she brought along a display of her work and passed around many of her pieces for close inspection.She demonstrated a variety of techniques and encouraged us all to get involved.She passed around small pieces of pre waxed paper which we were asked to scrumple up . After this we were able to play.On May 31st Sue will be leading our day school at Bank Top.
Before our talk, Phil brought along his latest piece that was admired by all.
NEWSLETTER –March 2014
The Northwest Regional Day is being held in Rochdale in April and we have 6 members going
who will be representing our branch. If you would like to order a journal (available at this event
for £2.00) please inform Brenda Brown.
- Lucinda Allwood is running a 5 week course on ribbon embroidery which involves silk painting and hand dyeing. Starts 18th March 10-12am or 1-3pm at the Friends Meeting House, Silverwell St. Contact email-
- Rubina Porter has sent a list of dates for The Streepur Village Exhibitions until November. The first of these dates is at St Barnabus Church, Penny Lane, L18 from 24th -29th march.
For further dates please see notice board or our blog.
- Gawthorpe Textilefest opening event is on 29th March with a series of Exploration Days and Audience Days led by various artists, following throughout the year. See notice board for details. To book an event contact tel- 01282 773963 or email
- Ten Plus Textiles – “Now and Then”, at Altrincham Forward from Tues 4th March-Sat 29th March and also at Didsbury Parsonage Sat 31 May-Sun 15 June. See notice board for contact details. Contact –
- Craft Open Exhibition at The Platform Gallery, Clitheroe. Deadline for entries 29th March. Exhibition dates 3rd May – 12th July. Email-
Charges for workshops will in future be £15.00 for members and £20.00 for non- members.
Because we can no longer eat together in the kitchen due to lack of table space, people taking part will be required to bring their own packed lunch enabling everyone to fully participate in the activity. Tea & coffee will still be provided.
A Play Day is scheduled for 26th April at Banktop Church. Please bring a packed lunch.
Ann is in need of handmade Get Well or open greeting cards for sending to members if you have any to spare.
Jackie Martin’s store has been depleted so if you have any items for the Sales Table please see her a.s.a.p. Jackie also needs clear envelopes (like the ones cards come packed in) if you have any please keep them and pass them on.
Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Barbara Ryall if you have anything.
If there are any library books you think would be suitable for us, please tell Sheelagh Madden. (An ISBN would be helpful).
If you hear of any interesting exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest, please let Brenda Brown know and details can go on the newsletter.
Don’t forget our blog address for Bolton EG is .
Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is
Finally NW REG blog