As you might know, I have just returned from an “exhilarating” cruise around the Norwegian Fiords. Why, well no real lights to speak of, but I endured a three day hurricane. I knew it would be wild but snow on board as well as the mountains…..ridiculous.I tell you this as I was still without my land legs when I arrived home and still rather delicate when I attended the meeting,on Tuesday. However I shouldn't have worried as Jackie lead out meeting. As usual she had put packs together so we only needed basic sewing equipment. We were to make a winter scene,
like this. Jackie has the philosophy that we should aim to complete during the evening or soon after. A relaxing evening with lots of time to chat. I was able to recount stories of my cruise and stitch at the same time.
I feel for more relaxed yet invigorated. Jackie has requested finished pieces at our next meeting please.
News and Competitions
The Rose Bowl competition titles are “Something Old, Something New” for 2015 and “Under the Sea”, for 2016.
Northwest region Broderers’ Cup (for October AGM)
Exhibitions and Events
· Fashion Embroidery & Stitch 19-22 (Thurs- Sun) March at the NEC Birmingaham.
· Sewing for pleasure – dates and venue as above.
· HobbyCrafts - also as above. Tickets cover all three events- senior £9.50 in advance or £15.00 for 2 day ticket. See details
· The Spring and Knitting Show 5-8th March, Olympia, Central London. More information at
· Mixed media Vintage Inspired Day at Alston Hall near Preston; 25th February; 10-4pm. £55.00 per person; with Priscilla Jones.
· Saturday April 11th; Annual General Meeting, Birmingham; “A Sustainable Future for the Embroiderer’s Guild. Tickets cost £27.50 available until March 13th 2015. Speakers are Bobby Britnell and Jane E Hall.
· Friday 20th February; talk by Richard Box; Saturday 21st Feb workshop by Richard Box -to be held in Liverpool. See poster on notice board for details.
· Summer School at Alston Hall 16th-19th July. See notice board for details and booking forms.
Advance Notice
· This year’s NW Regional Day will be held by Chelford and North Cheshire EG. Poster with details of speakers on the notice board. Tickets going on sale in January. See Brenda if you would like a ticket.
· Play day February 28th will be “printing and stamping”. If you have a brayer or roller please bring it with you. Also small coasters are to be used to make a printing block, so if you have any old ones they will be useful or it is possible to buy a pack of blank ones at Dunhelm for £2.00. The cost of the day will be £5.00 in order to pay for the room. Please bring a packed lunch – tea and coffee will be available as usual.
· Sculpting with Paper workshop with Linda Rudkin: Saturday March 14th; £15.00. Please put your name down with Judith and get a requirements list. Lunch arrangements as before.
If you have any items for the Sales Table please see Jenny Whittle. Jenny also needs clear envelopes (like the ones cards come packed in) if you have any please keep them and pass them on. Would anyone like to help Jenny, if so let us know.
Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Barbara Ryall if you have anything. If there are any library books you think would be suitable for us, please tell Sheelagh Madden. (An ISBN would be helpful)
If you hear of any interesting exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest, please let Brenda Brown know and details can go on the newsletter;
Don’t forget our blog address for Bolton EG is .
Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is
The Northwest blog address is http:/