Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dec Newsletter

Embroiderers’ Guild – Bolton Branch

December 2016


     The Rose Bowl competition title for our Regional Day next April in Lancaster is on the theme of Entrances -  Doorways, gateways, windows, etc.

The Members Challenge theme for 2016/17 is “Imprisoned Splendour”.  Details on the EG website together with some ideas to inspire you.  Entries must be received between 5th December and 27th February 2017.

     The Madiera / Stitch magazine Competition is “Glimpses of the Roaring Twenties”.  For hand or machine embroidery, entries to be submitted between the 6- 17 February 2017.  Details are in Stitch magazine or see the notice board.

Exhibitions and Events

Our next meeting is on 17 January 2017 and will be a practical evening so please bring a basic sewing kit.

Jacob’s Feast is on Saturday, 28th January at Bank Top United Reform Church.

The Magic of Colour     30 November 2016- 18 January 2017

A rare chance to see some of the best textile art in Europe, if not the world, at Sedbergh's Farfield Mill Arts and Heritage Centre near Kendal, Cumbria. The "Magic of Colour" features 38 selected works by artists from Italy, South Korea, France, the Czech Republic and many others and Farfield Mill is its only UK appearance. See noticeboard.

To celebrate 20 years of their branch, Wirral Branch are holding an exhibition of their members' work at  the Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead from 25 January to 5 March. Wed -Sun, 10am -5pm.

We have posters available to publicise our branch and its meetings.  Please take one if you know of a suitable place to display it.

Ann needs more handmade birthday cards for sending to members. If you have any, please pass them on.

Raffle prizes are always welcome.  Please see Judith if you have anything.

If there are any library books you think would be suitable for us, please tell Jenny. (An ISBN would be helpful)

If you hear of any interesting exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest to us, please let Sheelagh know and details can go on the newsletter;

The Northwest blog address is

Our blog:

Guild website:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year