Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer school 2010

Last weekend Jennifer Bamford, Eileen Holmes and I, attended the NW Region, Summer School at Alston Hall. By co-incidence we had all chosen Kath Danswans Silk Bowl class. We began with a huge silk cap which Kath promised would be transformed into a stunning creation, similar to her own.001 012 Kath demonstrating.




002  Managing the huge cap was quite a challenge to us all. We then added water soluble and stretched   it into a frame and began machine stitching. This was my start 002 (2)and almost competed vase. I  still need to add beaded raindrops

015 Jenny Burns found a new use for her vase and then you will see some of our nearly finished items.



Ruth Peel demonstrated how to make and bead, stunning tassels.008

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And finally Annette Morgan ran a three day course”Dying to Stitch”.This time fabrics were dyed using microwaves and then embellished with stitches.




So just a taster to show what happens at our summer school. I have added the new details to the Web site BUT you cannot apply until Jan 2011. I have lots more photos if anyone would like them.

Friday, July 23, 2010

July Meeting

We had a most unusual July meeting. Due to varied commitments by members of the committee it was decided to combine our EGM and Annual meal into one evening. So about 40 members attended a short EGM at Ridgmont House where the committee for 2010 –2011 was approved. We then  celebrated with a Kir Royal or Bucks Fizz and then moved upstairs to enjoy a delicious meal.


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Ann plans to send our the usual Chairs letter during August but wanted to remind all members that the Mollys Cup competition to be judged at the AGM in September is Buildings and Architecture.

Also for anyone unable to attend the EGM, Ann announced that our country for the postcard challenge is Bulgaria.More details about this in September.