It was a very cold and damp evening when I set out for the Guild .As always I soon cheered up when I met with all my friends in our branch.I was surprised how many had ventured out that night but am certain that they felt it was all worth while.
There was a lot of business to discuss. Our postcards and work from the last work day were displayed.
I am a bit disappointed that there are so few postcards as I managed one for Bolton and another for Padiham branch.perhaps we should have heard the talk by our speaker Gillian Travis beforehand as she spoke about how she used holiday photos to create her work. She rapidly ran through about 300 shots and then showed us a massive range of work. I had carried in a bunch of flowers that she made and seen below.
I will certainly incorporate some of her ideas. For instance in Morocco she concentrated on shoes but embroidered them with snapshots of the country.
A copy of the EG Council Communique to Members is available if you would like to read it. I also have a copy of Material Matters. Sorry about the eccentric printing but I must have misunderstood the instructions.
Programmes for all the North West Area branches are available, so if you would care to visit any other branch see Marilyn who will bring the folder to meetings.
The details of the 2012 Summer School courses are now available and can be booked from Jan 15th2012.
Anna White’s exhibition is still running at Bolton Library if you have not yet seen it.
Edgeworth Craft Group meets at the Barlow Institute, Edgeworth in the library. For further details see Lesley King.
Johanna is running a workshop (Patchwork and embroidery made into items) on Tuesday mornings between 9.30 and 11.30 at the Quest Centre, Barlow Way, Halliwell, BL1 3UB. It’s a roll on/roll off workshop and the cost is £7.00 per week. Machines and all materials are provided.
Montague Patchers have an exhibition and sale at the United Reform Church, Montague Road, Sale M33 3BU on Friday 17th (11am – 5pm)& Saturday 18th (10am – 4pm) February. See poster for details.
“Little Black Dress” exhibition at Tullie House Art Gallery, Castle Street, Carlisle, CA3 8TP (Tel. 01228 618718 from10th December – 26th February
Opening Times
10am – 4pm Monday – Saturday, 12pm – 4pm Sunday
For further information about the exhibition or to request visuals please contact Fiona Venables on 01228 618734 / or Amy Walker on 01228 618774 /
THIS year Molly’s Cup title will be “Redo, Rework, Reform” Due AGM Sept 2012,
The North West Regional Day will be held on Saturday 28th April2012 at Fullwood Methodist Church, Preston, PR2 8EA. Tickets £25 includes lunch and refreshments. I have the booking form and need to know numbers fairly soon.Competition “two peas in a pod”
Please start collecting pink items for the Pink Bag for the raffle prizes for the Southport AGM from 30th March – 1st April. Book by 1st March.
Don’t forget to put your name down for the Jacobs Feast on Saturday 28th January and for Jackie’s “Heirloom Hearts” workshop on 24th March.
If you have any ideas for new books for the library, please tell Brenda. (An IBS number would be helpful)
Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Judith if you have anything.
Don’t forget our blog address for Bolton EG is .
Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is
May I wish you all a Happy New Year on behalf of Ann and the committee.