“Beware the Ides of March”. I wonder if Ann realised the date. What a busy night. We almost needed a bigger room, so many members and guests came to hear and see Diana.
Firstly, we needed to collect a pack to continue our group installation,kindly made up by Judith. Then some of us put on the hats we have made for the Convict women and posed for a group photo.
Ann read the usual messages and then tried to compact a 3 hour meeting with the COE last Saturday into a 10 minutes report. Audrey then showed us 2 bags that she had just completed.
Jackie then displayed the next stage in the Pulpit Fall that some of us are making in memory of Nancy.
Finally, the highlight and main reason for the meeting. Diana Shone a member of Ten Plus Textiles began to speak to us. She began with a n explanation of her skills and inspiration,backed it up with a PowerPoint presentation of some of her work and finally showed us many of her pieces. Exquisite handbags and scarves were passed around for our closer inspection. I have made no secret of my love and respect of her work. Strong visual images is such delicate fabric and thread. Incredible. You can see some of Diana's work at the Salford exhibition that I have reported on earlier in this Blog.
March newsletter
Ø Regional Day at St Annes, last day to apply for tickets is 15th March.
Ø Competition entries for the above can be taken and entered for you
Ø Voting for National Chair closes on 23th March.
Ø National AGM at Dundee,2nd April. Barbara and I are attending.
Ø There are a few places left for Summer school
Ø Ann and I attended a meeting with Terry Murphy at Garstang on Saturday. We both have copious notes which will be transcribed at a later date. Thank you to all those who submitted questions. Many were answered and those that were not will be emailed to him again. The main thrust and feeling about the Guild was, of optimism. The mistakes of the past have not been forgotten but used to learn from . The Guild has a much stronger financial structure and will continue well into our future.
Ø Friends of Helmshore mill, June 18th and 19th, exhibition, demonstrations etc and tables available for either. See Val for details.
Ø Ann Morrell and Lynn Setterington are giving talks and workshops at Stockport on April 9th. Cost £35.00. Details from Pauline or me.
Please let me know of exhibitions etc that you hear about to add to this newsletter