I was intrigued by the title of our meeting last night,From North Wales to Nottingham in the Textile World. Laura Hughes soon to graduate, gave a very slick computer generated talk. I wish I had her IT skills. Her home is in North Wales but she chose to study for her degree at Nottingham University. Accomplished in many fields , she has concentrated on weaving and more especially using recycled materials like cassette tapes. I was also amazed that she actually brought her working loom along with her……quite a visual aid!!! Laura poses in one of her jackets,below.
Laura had many samples which she was happy to pass around so we could study the pattern and feel the texture. We all wish Laura success as she begins her career.
· Ridgmont meal Tues 19th July, £20.00. Have you a seating request?
· Casket workshop, this Saturday, £5.00, including lunch. Spaces.
· National AGM weekend Southport 30 March 2012.Pauline Hannon to Chair the W/E
· NW Reg AGM Preston, Sat 28th April. Have you finished your “Two peas in a pod”
· I have spare copies of NW Reg Journal, £1.50, a good read and colour pictures!!!!
· Molly’s Cup , please suggest Themes for the next competition, this evening
· Xmas, stitch a cracker
· I’m sure your Persee piece is almost completed. See it in September.
We are planning a Bulgarian themed party and practical for our Xmas meeting. Postcards will be displayed at the National AGM prior to the Cultural Olympics.
Visits and exhibitions
· We are planning a trip to Harrogate in November, are you interested?
· Preston Threads exhibition, Rossendale Museum till July 31st. details on poster.
· Five of us attended a service of dedication for the pulpit fall at Nancy’s church last Sunday .The congregation was delighted with the gift. Photo on Blog.
Sadly HQ has increased our fees by £2 and we feel unable to absorb these costs so must charge £39.00 next year. It still amounts to less than £4.00 a meeting.
At the EGM we hope to elect our committee. All positions are” available” but some committee members are prepared to stand again. However, the booking secretary, IT Rep and librarian pasts are vacant. I am pleased to say that there has been interest in all of these vacancies. I will continue with the blog until someone feels able to take it on.
Ann also added that I had heard today that Workbox had folded. We are all saddened as it was a popular magazine. The article about the Pulpit Fall was ready for printing in the next edition so they kindly sent me a proof copy.
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