Katie Chaplin came to talk to us last night. She brought along a very interesting shop and more important, her “friend” Dolly.
Katie is fascinated by Japanese culture and visits at least twice a year. She has amassed quite a collection of traditional costumes and Dolly was there to model a Kimono.
Arriving in her undergarment, she soon wore a basic kimono . I would have been pleased to wear this, but it is only an undergarment. Katie explained how a typical Japanese woman would have a straight up and down figure and any minor curves could be concealed with pads and careful folding of fabric. I was amazed how many thin belts of fabric that were tied around her body.
Next the obi.You can see how long it is , below.I will not spoil the story with all the details but finally we have Dolly dresses in a ceremonial Kimono.
I kept thinking of the geishas that I had seen in Japan and am amazed how they cope. I am also keen to re read the “Memoires of a Geisha” and re watch the video. Thank you Katie for a very entertaining evening.
Reminder that we have a visit to the Museum collection on Thursday afternoon. Next . and last of the season meeting it the EGM and meal. Have you thought about joining the committee yet? There are vacancies to be filled.