Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 2013 meeting

Katie Chaplin came to talk to us last night. She brought along a very interesting shop and more important, her “friend” Dolly.

001002Katie is fascinated by Japanese culture and visits at least twice a year. She has amassed quite a collection of traditional costumes and Dolly was there to model a Kimono.003Arriving in her undergarment, she soon wore a basic kimono . I would have been pleased to wear this, but it is only an undergarment. Katie explained how a typical Japanese woman would have a straight up and down figure and any minor  curves could be concealed with pads and careful folding of fabric. I was amazed how many thin belts of fabric that were tied around her body.

Next the obi.You can see how long it is , below.006I will not spoil the story with all the details but finally we have Dolly dresses in a ceremonial Kimono.011I kept thinking of the geishas that I had seen in Japan and am amazed how they cope. I am also keen to re read the “Memoires of a Geisha” and re watch the video. Thank you  Katie for a very entertaining evening.

Reminder that we have a visit to the Museum collection on Thursday afternoon. Next . and last of the season meeting it the EGM and meal. Have you thought about joining the committee yet? There are vacancies to be filled.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Out and about, Helmshore.

I arrived at an empty car park at Helmshore Mill on Saturday. Upon investigation, I found that I was an hour early. Not a good start but I went across the road to Musberry Fabrics and bought new net for my window.

At 10.00am the activity began. I set up a couple of tables to display work from The Embroiderers Guild. Well to be honest , the majority was mine, but I asked stewards to bring along there work too.

At 11.00 the doors opened on this second “Follow the Thread”event, organised by Patricia from Padiham branch and Friends of Helmshore. I had visited last year and thought it would be a good window to show off our branch.

I was helped by Clare and Glennys on Saturday, Barbara  and Sheila on Sunday. Lesley from Padiham also attended each day and demonstrated dry felting.Thank you all.

004005006We had a steady steam of visitors, who were generally very interested in our work. I gave out a hundred flyers and took information from several people. We might well receive visitors on Tuesday. I also met several”old embroidery friends” well not old but long standing!!!! and they send best wishes to our Branch.

Don't forget to bring your faces made at Jackie Cs workshop . I promised to photograph and send to her. Also the Gold work from our Jackie and finally a reminder that your competition piece for Molly Cup is due in September.

Only this meeting left before the summer and then of course ,our meal at Ridgmont. I believe that there are still places available for the NW region summer school at Alston Hall so have a think about this too. Clare is hoping to organise more play Days. let her know if you are interested, can suggest a theme or want to share your skills.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June day school

I have just returned from another really enjoyable day school.It was lead by Nicola Hulme, who I had met at Alston hall last year, when I attended her stump work classes. This time it was ribbon work.002Nicola demonstrated how a simple ribbon can be turned into exquisite flowers and leaves. These can then be used to adorn a box, card or as a broach.004

003We broke for a delicious soup and roll, thank you Lesley , meringue and scones, thank you Ann and Clare and then were keen to get going again. We tried as many techniques as time allowed and promise to bring our completed pieces to the meeting in September.Below are stage one!!!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Out and about,Padiham

It was a glorious day on Monday, but our speaker was amazed that so many members still attended the meeting. I left my Aqua class early, so that I could pick up Barbara who was attending as a guest. The reason for all this was that Jackie Cardy had been invited to speak. She is a well known and very popular speaker and tutor and we were guaranteed to have a stimulating talk.006She did not disappoint. One question at the end of the talk, concerned the size of her car as she has managed to pack in so many pieces of her work!!!

007We saw older pieces and her current and she explained the development of her work. She brought along the panel that inspired so many of the Bolton members at a recent day school that we attended. Barbara had brought along her piece and Jackie asked her to share it011 with us all. I thought this might happen so had left mine at home!!!! A lovely way to spend a summer afternoon.