Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Museum store study trip
This afternoon a group of us met for lunch and then found our way to the Museum stores, itself an interesting journey,,,,,don't follow Jennie!!!! Matthew greeted us and gave us a brief tour. He had then assembled a dozen pieces for us to study.draw and photograph. I have included e photos of these items, but many of us took greater inspiration from the furniture and piles of baskets also stored there. I have almost 50 pictures if anyone wants other inspiration.
A WaistcoatTwo pairs of shoes
and a fragment
Finally a panel from our Anna White composition, this one worked by Carole. I hope it gives you some ideas for our exhibition.Further details will be announced by Clare.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
I forgot to include contact details for the Summer School tutors.
The latter two are very local!!! Val
EGM/Meal July 13
It was a most unusual EGM on Tuesday. Why? well we met at the Ridgmont ,collected a champagne cocktail and went outside!!!!We are in the midst of a heat wave, so the gardens were a welcome break. Clare had been busy and had secured the support so that she was able to fill all the places on the committee. We are now able to publish our programme and then have the committee ratified at our AGM in September.
From this very short business meeting , we adjourned upstairs for our annual meal. I chose liver parfait, chicken and a trio of desserts, lots of wine and water and a coffee. The constant buzz of conversation from every table, re enforced the idea that we were all having a lovely time.
Apologies that the photos are a little hazy, just blame the extreme sunlight. See you all at the AGM and don't forget your piece for Molly's Cup.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Summer School, July 13
I cant believe how quickly, Summer School comes around, must be my age. I had been gathering “interesting yarns and threads” for a few weeks, but then only needed the usual sewing stuff.Quite a relief when I think of some of the lists of requirements that I have received. My course was called “That Darned Stitch” lead by Patricia Barrett.
My en suite single room was available as soon as I arrived on Friday afternoon. After checking in , I took my yarns etc to the workroom, called the Garden room. Pat arrived and we organised our room and met with fellow “workers”. Bedrooms have tea and coffee facilities so I met with a friend and made us both a cuppa. Then it was time to call in the bar and see who had arrived this year. Dinner was at 7.oo and by 8.30 we were ready to start stitching.
Pat wanted us to experiment with as many yarns as possible. I began with a cover for a needle case. I tried to use my own threads but Pat had brought along an amazing range and we were all tempted. Whilst trying the techniques we had time to think of our first piece. Pat had demonstrated a technique that I thought would transfer to a Klimt postcard that I had brought along, but that would have to wait till morning as the bar beckoned.
Breakfast was at a civilised 8.30 and then we began. I worked on my Klimt piece whilst other techniques were shown. Morning coffee and home made biscuits, a 2 course buffet lunch, afternoon tea and cakes, and a three course evening meal had to be fitted in to our busy day.It was a good job that we had a short walk through the glorious gardens, to our workroom. I also wandered around taking photos and selling raffle tickets.
Sunday followed a similar pattern, but this time I began a piece based on the rocks you see on the way to Harrogate. Can anyone remember their name? At morning coffee we organised the raffle draw, with 12 prizes to be won.We broke at 3.00 to visit the other members and see what they had been doing. Very impressive books had been created by the Isobel Hall group and Amy Senogles had persuaded her group to use recycled materials to create beautiful pieces. Tea, scones and cakes were the final offering at 4.00 before we left for home, worrying which course we would choose next year.
There were spaced available this year and I really don't know why. It is a truly wonderful weekend,organised by the NW regional committee, great value for money. Alston hall is only 1/2 hour way and set in glorious gardens. Rooms are en suite, food is “too much “,a good bar,great tutors and the chance to make minded friends. There should be a display of work at the AGM in Oct and more details , and then you can apply in Jan 14. Why not come along and try it. Like me , I'm sure you will be hooked.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Out and about,Padiham July 13
It was the last meeting of the year on Monday,and a tradition seems to have been created, when strawberries and cream are served. Prior to that ,Sue showed us bunting that she had made and explained how we could get involved.She had put together, fabric instructions and specific letters that made up Padiham and District Embroiderers Guild [our full name}There was discussion about colour and font but we decided on red upper case for all letters.Hopefully they will all be completed by our AGM in September.We then had to vote for our favourite piece in the annual competition. This year the title was Summer and any technique could be used. There was an impressive display….
that was won by Carole,Nan presented her with the Trophy.
Finally, committee were busy so I was asked to organise a silent raffle because the committee had decided to sell off all the library books. Bids had been placed for some be a “heavy hand “ and threat that I would lock the door until all books were bought, and we were left with just a handful.Finally we all wish Joan, our secretary , all the best as she recovers from a very nasty operation.See you all in September,