Thursday, February 20, 2014

February meeting

Pauline had spoken very enthusiastically about our speaker for February. I had seen the work that Pauline had made at her workshop and I too was not disappointed.Maria Walker brought lots for us to see. She spoke without notes , enthusiastically about how hew work had started and developed. i certainly do not want to spoil her story but might say that it started with flannelette and moved on to transfer paper and was bound with love letters. You should book her to find out more.   We are anticipating a very interesting and rewarding workshop and I am DSCF6478quite sad that I cannot attend.


NEWSLETTER –February 2014


The Rose Bowl competition titles are “Black Magic” for 2014 and “Something Old, Something New” for 2015.

The members’ challenge for 2014 is “Tree Rhythms”. Closing date for entries - 28th Feb 2014. Pick up an entry form today.


Ø This Saturday we are having a Play Day. Date: 22nd February. No theme, so bring along whatever you want to try out and get playing! 10.30a.m. at Banktop Church.

Ø Memory Collage workshop: Saturday March 8th at Banktop Church. 10- 4pm.

· Gawthorpe Collection opening event: Textilefest. Saturday 29th March 2014 from 12.00- 16.00. A big event with lots of crafts people, contemporary textile artists ; fashion designer Zareen Waheed with designs inspired be the collection and vintage dressmaker Deborah Ashworth’s commemorative Poppy dress. Also knitting and crochet projects inspired by the collection created by leading designer- makers including Debbie Bliss, Jane Ellinson, Claire Montgomerie and Emma Verman. Please note entry charges apply (adults £4, concessions £3).

· The textile society Antique Fair. Armitage Centre, Fallowfield, M14 6ZT.

· Talent Hunt: Stitch magazine are looking for members who can design and stitch different techniques for STITCH using less well known traditional techniques such as hedebo; caslguidi or shwalm. Also techniques from around the world that use unusual stitches or use more common stitches in unusual ways. When published it would promote the branch which the member belongs to. Guidelines are available.


Our March meeting on the 18th has Sue Tyldsley talking about encaustic art, “The Wonder of Wax”.


The North West Blog is now up and running, feel free to log on, read and contribute to it!

Ann is in need of handmade Get Well or open greeting cards for sending to members if you have any to spare.

If you have any items for the Sales Table please see Jackie Martin. Jackie also needs clear envelopes (like the ones cards come packed in) if you have any please keep them and pass them on.

Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Barbara Ryall if you have anything.

If there are any library books you think would be suitable for us, please tell Sheelagh Madden. (An ISBN would be helpful)

If you hear of any interesting exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest, please let Brenda Brown know and details can go on the newsletter.

Don’t forget our blog address for Bolton EG is .

Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is

Out and about ,Events City

Last Friday, seven of us arranged to meet at Events City Manchester. It was the usual very busy day.After a quick look around to get our bearings, we went to watch a fashion show. Some lovely work but most was far too outrageous to considerDSCF6460and I still fear for the models as their footwear is amazing!!!

A very quick lunch and then down to business. For once I had not taken a shopping list but still managed to buy a considerable amount. I then went to speak to the tutors and collect details for future dates in Bolton.

The competition was interesting and made more special when I saw that John had won the first prize,DSCF6453.I was also pleased to spend time with members of Manchester branch who had delightful stand and helped to promote our Guild.DSCF6455Certainly worth a trip.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Out and about, Padiham

It was the first meeting of the new year, I helped to put out chairs and we actually ran out, it was so busy.Quite a lot of messages and then we were delighted that our Secretary, Joan was able to lead the demonstration. Joan had another nasty operation recently so it was good to see her back on her feet, even if she still needed crutches. So Joan demonstrated a simple technique of rolling paper to make beads not seen before by many of our members. Paper and BBQ sticks had been provided and we then followed some of Joan's interesting designs.DSCF6447DSCF6448DSCF6449Joan brought along a hanging that she had worked with a variation on the beads. Nan held it for me to photograph. I think there will be a lot of members wearing new jewellery at our next meeting,