Monica persuaded the NW Committee that we should hold an exhibition. Finding a venue was extremely difficult but finally Sue made contact with the Storey in Lancaster. We have booked lovely room there and it is full of amazing pieces , representing many of our branches. We also have The Finest Stitches from HQ, The Worlds Longest Embroidery and the “athletic” postcards stitched in our region.We also have some of the entries from the TIE challenge and work by young embroiderers.
Christine Poole had been invited and helped Monica to officially open the event,It is open Mon to Sat, 10.00 till 4.00ish until 21st June. Stewards[still needed} go free .EG members £1.00 and guests £2.00, DO GO
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
The Storey Exhibition
May meeting
Johanna Thomas lead the meeting last Tuesday.She had provided kits and demonstrated how we could achieve a very good result of making a fabric brooch. I was so busy going around and asking members to fill in the Statement of Intent for our forthcoming exhibition that i was unable to stitch.What a nice surprise when Pauline and Jackie assembled my fabrics leaving me just a few beads to attach to the middle. What good friends at the Guild.
News and Competitions
The Rose Bowl competition titles are “Something Old, Something New” for 2015 and “Under the Sea”, for 2016.
The members’ challenge for 2015 is “All that Glistens”.
There is a new book in the library; “Experimental Textiles” by Kim Thittichai.
Exhibitions and Events
- Lucinda Allwood is running a ribbon workshop at the Friends Meeting House in Silverwell Street, Bolton, on Thursday 5th June & possibly Wednesday 11th June, from 10 – 3.00pm; cost £20 includes all materials. Buffet lunch to order £4.00.
Call Lucinda (07977821119) or ask Brenda Cooper for further information.
· Ten Plus Textiles have an exhibition of contemporary textile art at The Old Parsonage, Stenner Lane, Didsbury, M202RQ, May 31st- June 15th. Open everyday 9.30-5.30.
· Platform Gallery, Clitheroe, have an Open Craft Exhibition, work is in various media including textiles, 3rd May -12th July.
· Southport Art Trail and Open Studios 24thMay – 8th June; lots of demonstration and workshops see
· Cumberland Branch workshop by Lynda Monk, “Mixed Media Medley”; Saturday 31 May 10.30.-3.30pm. contact Gill Goodfellow 01228 530648l or email
· Flower Pounding with Linda Rudkin, at Parbold Village Hall; 15th June 10-4.00pm. Cost £18 to EG members £20 visitors. Contact Susan Chisnall 01772 46714 or email See notice board for list of requirements.
· Art Deco in Stitch The Phoenix Textile group will show work with their own take on Art Deco and art of the Jazz Era. April 12th- June12th at Towneley Hall, Burnley. 01282 477130 or email
· One day event at Gawthorpe Hall, Explore the Collection: Vibrant Victorians.
Thursday 22nd May from 10 – 3.30pm. Cost £32.50 booking essential contact Jenny Waterson-
· The Storey, Lancaster. Summer Exhibition; “Tied by Stitch”. May26th – June21st. Includes “The Finest Stitches”, part of the EG textile collection and work by members of the North West Region, plus a display of regional projects and the World’s Longest Embroidery. Workshops will also be held and Elizabeth Cousins Scott will be giving a lecture on June 7th (see notice board for more details). Stewards are needed- please see Val if you are able to help.
N.B. More details of the above events are on the notice board.
Next month we have Jackie Cardy with - “Obsessed by Threads”.
Bring your entry for the Pearl Exhibition to the next meeting in June or to the summer meal at Ridgemont. Categories include: Inspired by the museum; Pearl; and an Open category for work produced within the last 2 years.
We do need volunteers to do demonstrations at the exhibition, see Clare if you can offer your time.
Ann is in need of handmade Get Well or open greeting cards for sending to members if you have any to spare. If you have any items for the Sales Table please see Jackie Martin. Jackie also needs clear envelopes (like the ones cards come packed in) if you have any please keep them and pass them on.
Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Barbara Ryall if you have anything. If there are any library books you think would be suitable for us, please tell Sheelagh Madden. (An ISBN would be helpful)
If you hear of any interesting exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest, please let Brenda Brown know and details can go on the newsletter.
Don’t forget our blog address for Bolton EG is .
Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is
The Northwest blog address is http:/
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Out and About, Padiham
It was years ago when I was shown how to smock. I have a vague recollection of an apron but no evidence. I know it went out of fashion for ages but then it has been re interpreted in a more modern way , so I have been tempted. Bolton owns a smocking machine so maybe I should have a go. All this as an introduction to our speaker yesterday, Patricia Jones from Altrincham. She brought along a wide range of finished pieces and we had the added advantage of having them passed around so that we could study the work in detail.
I looked around and felt that members were transported back to their childhood.However this final photo below, shows a more modern interpretation of the technique.
I think I should give it a go!!! I did buy a couple of kits that can be used as cards so I have no excuse. Contact Patricia on
NW Region exhibition , workshops and lecture begins on May25th
Bolton Pearl exhibition opens on The national Stitching Day, Aug,2nd continues for months, Art Gallery in the town centre.
Monday, May 5, 2014
We were welcomed and hosted by Rochdale branch at this years regional day.Seven of us attended from Bolton and I know we all had a lovely time. After depositing entries for the competitions I had a quick look at the stalls.Ruby sends her love to all at Bolton and so do Charles and Christine.
Sadly due to my competition role ,I had no time to re visit the stalls but at least it meant that I saved money!!!
The morning speaker was Gillian Lonergan who explained all about the Cooperative Heritage. Meg had highly recommended Gillian and her judgement was spot on.
A delicious lunch and then our afternoon speaker,Anne Brooke told us of her”journey”. What an interesting and eventful life. Much of Anne's work concentrated on her love of seed heads and I recommend that you visit her website to see pictures.
The competition for 2016 [our year] is Under the Sea. Don't forget we will also need to enter pieces for the Journal cover as well.This will be judged at the OCT AGM 2015.
Prizes were awarded to the Young Embroiderers and the Rose bowl which was won by Sandra Kendall of North Lonsdale.The Coats Award was judged by a committee member and the afternoon speaker and i was delighted to announce that Barbara Ryall won the first prize for her Venetian sketch book. Brilliant!!!!