Another excellent summer school , last weekend. We were lead by Elizabeth Cousins Scott, Alex Jacob Whitwoth and Liz Almond. As usual i opted for the hand stitching class, where the technique was Blackwork. Liz put up an amazing display which changed daily.She had even put together kits that we could choose to use. I am not a fan of kits and prefer to use my own ideas but these kits included fabric, thread, doodle fabric and masses of ideas. Liz also stressed that we must make these designs our own by taking elements from other designs and putting them into our work. I chose a flower design, and having modified the arrangement ,decided to work each flower petal in a different pattern and also using grey thread. I was quite inspired. Liz then taught us two stitches, Colonial stitch, a little like French Knots be we were assured that it cant go wrong and Double Knot Stitch., rather like Palestrina stitch. These I mastered in time but on Sunday morning we were asked to try them again to make sure that we could remember. We Liz I have had another go at home, attempting the latter to put on my work but realised that it was not appropriate. Anyhow having started my flowers, Liz showed me a piece of her work where thick threads shaded through to very thin. I had said the day before that this was what I had wanted to master so I had a go. I am very pleased with the result.
The other two classes looked very interesting. Elizabeth ran her class as two day units where you could attend either day or both. The committee would be interested to hear your views. I was amazed how many samples were produced.
I believe Alex took her group for a walk around the gardens to gain inspiration.I called in when she was demonstrating.This group will have many pieces to stitch in to , when they return home.
So another indulgent week end over.Its an embroiderers dream, stitching, learning, swapping ideas good food and company.Why not look on the advert for next year and come and join us?
Ann sent me this photo from our summer meal. Rather belatedly, I was able to present Barbara with her Coats prize, awarded at the NW regional Day.
Congratulations again, Barbara, I know the prize was worth the wait!!!
Ann and I delivered all the work to the Art Gallery on Thursday and I called again with the visitor book etc on Friday. Thank you all for your contributions. I know it will be an excellent representation of the skills that we can show. Dorothy will open our event on Saturday, 2 Aug at 10.30{the National Stitch Day}, You are welcome to attend but let us know for catering.Bring along your stitching . We are open every day but would benefit from stewarding on Saturdays. Seats will be provided so demonstrate what you can do, encourage interest,give out needles cases and generally promote our Guild.I have lots of gaps in the stewards list so please phone me asap.
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