Sunday, August 3, 2014


Saturday was a cold and wet morning and I wondered how many people would attend our official opening. Le Mans Crescent was absolutely heaving with police cars and vans. Had they come to protect our amazingly valuable works of art?

Matthew welcomed Ann and I and we organised refreshments for our guests. At 10.30 the formalities began. We had asked Dorothy our oldest member to open the event. She gave a remarkable concise yet informative account of the history of embroidery. I have asked her for a copy.DSCF4929DSCF4930 Matthew then guided Dorothy and all our guests into the exhibition and Dorothy was able to see her work in all its glory.DSCF4931

Matthew had several times over the course of weeks, expressed his admiration for our banner, and that was placed next to the explanation of our work.DSCF4933DSCF4934

The room was soon heaving so we suggested that some guests might like to enjoy the refreshments and return a little later. Ann's home made biscuits were very popular.


About half of our members managed to call in during the morning. Florence and Margaret, certainly enjoyed the occasion.I had chosen the 2nd as the opening day to recognise that it was the National Stitch Day. I had asked members to bring along some stitching.Lesley and Phil sat stitching in one cornerDSCF4937

I took quite a few photos and am awaiting those from our “official photographer” John , but have not added any of our exhibits as you really must go along and see it for yourself. I still have “vacancies” for demonstrator/stewards on Saturdays, 11 till 3.00. Please phone if you have any spare time. Phil and I stayed until after 3.00 on Saturday and we both complained that we were too busy talking to interested visitors to be able to stitch.The exhibition is open every day until Oct 26th.

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