Saturday, April 20, 2013

April Meeting: Goldwork

Jackie Martin , one of our members led the evening activity. We had been given some goldwork bits so she decided to use them. We all love those evenings when everything is provided so apart from the usual sewing stuff ,and any goldwork bits that we might have, life was easy. We knew that we were going to make a flower design but I was most impressed when we received our packs, even the gold fabric had been bonded onto a base fabric and backing fabric cut to size.003

We began to couch down purl purl and chords and the effect was instant. We were also able to have a good chat whilst working. Thank you Jackie, for all the preparation, you spoil us.

I then collected about 30 pieces of work, plus our tablecloth, welcome banner and rainbow squares , ready for the Empress Mills Exhibition. Thank you for the work and/or offers of help, stewarding , over the weekend.


Regional Day - The 2013 Rose Bowl competition is entitled “King Cotton” and 2014 “Black Magic”. Further details are on the poster.

The 2013 AGM will be held from 5th – 7th April at Cheltenham.

Copies of Monica Selway’s March & April Bulletins are on you side table if you would like to read them.


Gawthorpe Hall are holding a series of “Exploration Days” & “An Audience With..” days, starting in May. Details on side table.

Merseyside Branch are having a talk by Ruth Isset entitled “Connected with Colour” on 18th May. Poster on table for details.

There is an exhibition by Midiri at Voirrey all April.

Ten Plus Textiles are exhibiting at Ordsall Hall till June 9th.

Bolton Progressive threads have an exhibition at Queen Street Mill, Burnley till June 29th.

Don’t forget that Val needs 20 – 30 pieces of work in calico type bags, labelled, plus helpers for the Empress Mill Exhibition on 11th & 12th May. Also helpers needed for the exhibition at Helmshore on 15th & 16th June. Bring your own work to chat about, very informal. See Val for further information.

Lucinda Attwood is running embroidery classes at the Friends Meeting House in Silverwell Street, Bolton. on Mon. 10-12am, Tues 2-4pm, Weds 1-3pm. Call Lucinda (07977821119) or ask Brenda Cooper for further information.

Botanical Threads is a retrospective on textile & botanical art by Vivienne Brown at Bankfield Museum, BoothtownRd Halifax, HX3 6HG (01422 352334) March9th –May 6th. Tues – Sat 10am -5pm, Sun 1 – 4pm, Bank Holiday 10am – 5pm.


Play Day 25th May at Bank Top based on heating & burning but bring along anything. Free and all welcome.

This year’s competition for Molly’s Cup is “Metal Thread”.

Don’t forget to keep 21st Sept. free for a visit to Hardwick Hall. This will be subsidized.


Ann is in need of hand made Birthday cards for sending to members if you have any to spare.

If you have any items for the Sales Table please see Jackie Martin. Jackie also needs clear envelopes (like the ones cards come packed in) if you have any please keep them and pass them on.

Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Judith if you have anything.

If there are any library books you think would be suitable for us, please tell Brenda. ( An ISBN would be helpful)

If you hear of any interesting exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest, please let Marilyn know and details can go on the newsletter.


Don’t forget our blog address for Bolton EG is .

Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is


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