Sunday, September 14, 2014

Demo in the Art Gallery

Yesterday Clare and I were booked to demonstrate and encourage children to stitch. WE did not know what to expect but Jackie had prepared materials for us. There was Binca, assorted wools , scissors and 26 individually stitched sample letters. We had already decided to make bookmarks and Matthew at the Art Gallery reminded us just how much the children liked to see their names. Our schedule was 11 until but as we were setting up soon after 10am, the children arrived.DSCF4983

Some were very tentative, others full of enthusiasm. Some were encouraged but mothers fathers and grandmothers but one older group arrived alone. Brenda left Glennys and Liz in our exhibition to assist until they went home,her help was really useful. We never had a minute, I didn't even manage to finish the juice I had taken with me.DSCF4981

One father was quite absorbed with helping his son.


DSCF4982Sorry Clare not very flattering but you were so busy.

My hardest task was to help a young 3 year old girl and eventually decided that I would find the hole and she could tug the thread. Matthew asked if I could keep a tally , another task!!!! but I think we taught 18 children and 5 adults but there were many more watching or trying to assist.I thought that I had taken more photos but sadly only managed 5. This final one should be recognised by some…..Emily, granddaughter of Pauline. As you would expect she got stuck in straight away and needed no help.DSCF4986Sorry George, you did not sit still long enough for me to catch you!!! I began packing up at and Clare was quite shocked as she had not realised the time.She said that it was a lovely way to spend a few hours. Matthew is keen to offer us a space again if two or three of you fancied a few hours,all the preparation is done.

See you all at our AGM on Tuesday, dont forget your Jewel ,bits for the activity. envelopes with cheques and diary as I have a few Saturdays to fill.

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