I forgot my camera for this meeting. I had been to Aqua then hosted lunch for 19 aqua friends in a local pub, which was excellent. home for a short time then out to Horwich. I remembered my cards and sewing stuff, but no camera.
We had a very festive evening. Marian was able to share some good news that she had been offered a book contract. I passed around a very positive and friendly letter that I had just received from Dorothy.
Carol had materials ready for us to stitch a star and then we had excellent food, prepared by the committee. Pauline sent me her finished piece which was not a star , it was a snowflake. I cant have been listening again!!!! Below are our attempts.
There were only 5 pieces for the competition and I will need to borrow the photos from Brenda to publish later.
Brenda displayed the group piece based on a vase of flowers. There were still large gaps where kits were taken but not yet returned. She said that if any kits had been "lost" then she could make a duplicate. I took another one home as it was almost black with just a small petal. I have started the black in Bukhara couching which should grow quite quickly.
Our next meeting is advertised on the programme as the Jacobs Feast but I think the date might be 18 and not 19th. This is followed by our Tues meeting on 21st. So organise your food contribution, find your flower piece but most of all,
Monday, December 23, 2019
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
K and S at Harrogate
I try to go to the K and S show at Harrogate each year but this year was extra special. Marian one of our members was invited to both Ally Pally and then Harrogate, to show some of her remarkable pieces. I was delighted that quite a few members of Bolton also thought it important to support Marian. I had seen pictures from Ally Pally and I know that i am prejudiced but I truly thought it was one of the best exhibitions...ever. I spoke to members from HQ and encouraged them to come and meet Marian. This had lead on to a possible Contact magazine article and another in Embroidery. I even told Anthea that Marian could become more famous than she. Below a few photos but do not do her work true justice.
As a footnote, I was pleased to see that another member of Bolton, John had entered a competition again
and Diane from Pendle who has spoken at Bolton was also exhibiting as part of her Lace group.
Monday, December 2, 2019
November meeting
Joanne Frankel stepped in at the last minutes as our tutor was unable to attend. it was our gain as Joanne gave a very informative talk about her work and how it had been influenced by life changes. In addition, she was able to bring along a vast array of work and we had the bonus of being able to handle many pieces. Thank you Joanne.
Finally Pauline persuaded me to pose for a photo, as I had brought along the piece awarded second prize at the NWR Day, called Twist it Turn it
Phil also joined us for the evening and brought along another of his amazing pieces. This time it was based on a stitch that Liz had taught us about a year ago.
Monday, October 28, 2019
October meeting
I have two apologies. One the delay in putting this on line and two that I had to ask Ann to take photos and give a report because I was away in Ethiopia during the meeting. many thanks Ann.
Rachael Singleton Mixed media textile artist.
‘A stitch in line ‘
Rachael comes from a family of makers, parents and
grandparents. She is interested in using stitch in the form of lines- timelines
and lines in nature to bring an end product, at the moment river stones and
seaside pebbles. We had a mini practical to complete. We were given a a
triangle of cartridge paper from which we had to form a shape of curves. We
have a workshop next year when we will be forming a similar shape and
developing further. An interesting lecture with lots of samples.
I guess that there was no newsletter this month.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
September AGM
Brenda ran a short and slick AGM, where committee were introduced. Officers were prepared to stand again as well. Our fees had to rise by £3.00. Im sure you will read all details in the AGM minutes.
We had also been asked to vote for Mollys Cup. This time the theme was" Inspired by Summer" and i am delighted to announce that Carol was our winner. Brenda presented her with our rose bowl and certificate. Here are the entries and finally Carol with her work and her presentation
Sylvia also starred this evening. She brought along a portrait of her friend , made of cross stitch. It was so realistic, incredible.
Guild – Bolton Branch September 2019
Welcome to our
first meeting of the 2019/20 season. There are copies of our programme for you
to take and give to any friends who might like to join us, also posters. Please take one if you know of a shop, etc
who would display one.
September 28th, the combined NW Regional day and AGM is at
the Crofters Hotel in Garstang. You can attend the AGM only, in the morning
free of charge. The theme for the Rose Bowl competition is “Twist it, Turn
it”. Please ask for an entry form if you
want one.
Christmas competition for our December meeting is “A Christmas Surprise” – so
plenty of scope!
national Members’ Challenge for 2019/20 is “My Favourite Things” –
people, places, mementos, etc. Details
on the Guild website, you will need to login.
will be having a stall again at the Triangle Craft Fair on 16th
November. Last year we raised some £300
for our funds so we will need plenty of goodies to sell so we can be as
successful this year.
Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show takes place November 28 -1
December and this year we have a special interest as Marion Jazmik will be one of
the artists featured in the galleries.
As before tickets are £11 if more than 10 are booked. Tyrers are running a coach trip on Saturday, 30th.
of the Summer School 5th -7th June next year are on the
notice board.
Gawthorpe Hall - 11 July until 3 November. ‘Strands
of Place and Time’. Work by
Alice Kettle and others exploring cultural heritage and migration. Part of the 2019
British Textile Biennial.Bottom of Form
Astley Hall, Chorley
– Farmhouse Gallery, ‘Time and Space’ by Step on Textile Artists. 6 – 29 Sept, open 12-3.30 except Tuesdays and
Williamson Art Gallery and Museum,
Birkenhead – Work by Nikki Parmenter. 5 October to 22 December. Open Wed –
Sun,10 – 5.
Manchester HOME Open Exhibition –
a major art show; it is open to any resident of Greater Manchester to submit
artwork. See the leaflet on the noticeboard or visit the website; www.homemcr.org/manchesteropen. On 27 September, there is a roadshow at
Bolton Central Library from 11am till 1pm where you can find out more
If you have any items for the sales
table, please give them to Karen or Julie.
Please don’t just leave items on the table.
you hear of any exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest to us,
please tell Sheelagh.
would welcome hand-made greetings cards to add to her stock for members’
Bolton blog: begstitchers.blogspot.com
We now have Facebook pages for Bolton and NW Region. Please ‘like us’ to help
publicise the Guild and our
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Annual Meal
Tuesday evening was bright and sunny. A number of us sat in the garden with a Kir Royal ,engaged in a short EGM and then moved into the restaurant for our Annual Meal.Below a few pictures to remind us.....Finally our journey home was made more memorable with a spectacular view of a partial eclipse of the moon.
Guild – Bolton Branch July 2019
The theme of the Molly’s Cup competition for our September meeting is “Explore Summer” - using two
different stitches of your choice and any technique.
On September 28th, the combined NW Regional day
and AGM is at the Crofters Hotel in Garstang. The speaker is Val Hughes and
the tickets cost £29. If you wish to attend, please give your names to
Sheelagh. You can attend the AGM only,
in the morning free of charge. The theme for the Rose Bowl competition is
“Twist it, Turn it”. Please ask for an
entry form if you want one.
In 2020 the region will
revert to separate days for each event and the Regional Day will be in
Liverpool on 25th April. Merseyside EG promise us a good day!
The Creative Craft show is on 5-7 September at Event City, near the
Trafford Centre. The winning entries
from the Madeira embroidery competition 2019 will be on display.
Lytham St Annes
EG have an exhibition of their work
“Be Inspired”, 9 – 11 August. St Paul’s
church, Lake Rd N, Lytham St Annes, FY8 1AG.
Gawthorpe Hall
Bottom of Form
11 July
until 3 November. ‘Strands of
Place and Time’
exhibition explores and shares new perspectives on cultural heritage and
migration in response to world textiles in the collection with new textile,
film and ceramic work by Alice Kettle, Jane McKeating, Elnaz Yazdani, Nigel
Hurlstone and Poppy Cartwright on display alongside Omaid’s dramatic textile
installation yarn bombing the stairs.
of Place and Time is part of the 2019 British Textile Biennial. Alice Kettle is the new president of the EG
Gawthorpe have also launched a range of home and gift
products inspired by the textiles in their collection. Details - www.gawthorpetextiles.co.uk
you have any items for the sales table, please give them to Karen or
Julie. Please don’t just leave items on
the table.
you hear of any exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest to us,
please tell Sheelagh.
would welcome hand-made greetings cards to add to her stock for members’ birthdays.
Bolton blog: begstitchers.blogspot.com
We now have Facebook pages for Bolton and NW Region. Please ‘like us’ to help
publicise the Guild and our
Thursday, June 20, 2019
June meeting.
I was saddened to miss that last meeting and my photo buddy Ann was also away. I believe we were both in Spain but in differing resorts. I hope to be sent some photos and a report but below is the bulletin.
Guild – Bolton Branch June 2019
This Saturday is the National
Day of Stitch for 2019. The theme this year is HOME and we are hoping to
have a display and stitch activity making birdhouses at Bolton Museum and Art
Gallery from 10.30am -3pm. Please come
along for part of the day to support our branch. There is no charge to park in
the Octagon multi storey car park at weekends.
Our next meeting on July 16 will be our summer meal at Ridgmont House. Please make your menu choices and payments
tonight and hopefully the sun will shine on us again.
On September 28th, the combined NW Regional day
and AGM is at the Crofters Hotel in Garstang. The speaker is Val Hughes and
the tickets cost £29. If you wish to attend, please give your names to
Sheelagh. You can attend the AGM only in
the morning free of charge. The theme for the Rosebowl competition is “Twist it,
Turn it” and entry forms are on the table near the noticeboard. Entry forms for the Aurifil award for
“Excellence in Embroidery” are also there.
In 2020 we will revert to
separate days for each event and the Regional Day will be in Liverpool on 25th
April. Merseyside EG promise us a good day!
Textile 21 have a touring exhibition, “On the Edge of ….” at Chester Cathedral 5 – 30 June. The works
are all based around the theme of the sea.
Lytham St Annes EG have
an exhibition of their work “Be Inspired”, 9 – 11 August. See poster.
There are several exhibitions this year at Gawthorpe Hall to mark the 60th
anniversary of Rachel Kay-Shuttleworth establishing her unique textile
collection as a trust. Information on
the noticeboard. They have also launched a range of home and gift products
inspired by the textiles in their collection. Details - www.gawthorpetextiles.co.uk
you have any items for the sales table, please give them to Karen or
Julie. Please don’t just leave items on
the table.
you hear of any exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest to us,
please tell Sheelagh.
would welcome hand-made greetings cards to add to her stock for members’ birthdays.
Bolton blog: begstitchers.blogspot.com
We now have Facebook pages for Bolton and NW Region. Please ‘like us’ to help
publicise the Guild and our activities.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
May Meeting
Our last meeting was quite different from the norm. It was a reciprical visit from Merseyside branch. Three of our members had been there earlier so they made a return visit. Their Chair Vicky brought, Jean Michelle and Gill to talk to us. Vicky introduced her members and made a quick comment about our next Regional Day in April next year. £30.00 at Sefton Park,two speakers, sounds good.
Michelle spoke first. She had photographed all the pieces in a recent Endeavour exhibition and brought along her completed bird. and an amazing astronomical piece that was back lit.

Jean displayed her Taumi and explained what she had collected to use on the Taumi .

Finally Gill, who had visited us before brought along a wedding dress and a green dress adorned with flowers inspired by the views of New Zealand.Each talk was fascinating and really spoken from the heart. We were very impressed.
We then had a little celebration , a cake was presented and shared , celabrating Eileens 90th birthday.
Michelle spoke first. She had photographed all the pieces in a recent Endeavour exhibition and brought along her completed bird. and an amazing astronomical piece that was back lit.
Jean displayed her Taumi and explained what she had collected to use on the Taumi .
Finally Gill, who had visited us before brought along a wedding dress and a green dress adorned with flowers inspired by the views of New Zealand.Each talk was fascinating and really spoken from the heart. We were very impressed.
Guild – Bolton Branch May 2019
This evening we are hosting members of Merseyside EG on an
exchange visit to meet Bolton branch members.
Jean, Michelle and Gillian will talk about their work and show images of
the work produced for their last exhibition – “Endeavour”. Last June some of us were warmly welcomed to
Merseyside when Barbara, Jenny and Eileen took samples of their embroidery and
spoke about their inspirations and experience.
The return visit should prove just as enjoyable.
Our next workshop is
this Saturday, 25th May, with Laura Marriott who came to our March
meeting. You should have received an
email listing the requirements to bring with you for this workshop. Two weeks
later, on 8th June, we have a workshop on silk papermaking with
Wendy Ann Stanger who came to our meeting last November. If you wish to go,
please add your name to the list and check the requirements to bring. The cost of this workshop is £30.
The National Day of
Stitch this year is on Saturday, 22 June.
The theme this year is HOME and we are hoping to have a display and
stitch activity.
Hopefully we will be able to display our birds, so we do need
lots of them.
Textile 21 have a touring exhibition, “On the Edge of ….” at Chester Cathedral 5 – 30 June. The works
are all based around the theme of the sea.
Gallery, Manchester until November 2019. –
an exhibition of textiles from the Islamic world; “Four Corners of One Cloth”.
There are several exhibitions this year at Gawthorpe Hall to mark the 60th
anniversary of Rachel Kay-Shuttleworth establishing her unique textile
collection as a trust. Information on
the noticeboard.
you have any items for the sales table, please give them to Karen or
Julie. Please don’t just leave items on
the table.
you hear of any exhibitions or events that you think may be of interest to us,
please tell Sheelagh.
would welcome hand-made greetings cards to add to her stock for members’
Bolton blog: begstitchers.blogspot.com
now have Facebook pages for Bolton
and NW Region. Please ‘like us’ to help publicise the Guild and our activities.
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