Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Day School.

Hilary and her husband both entertained us on Saturday. There was a “full house” so her husband acted as tea maker and washer up, we were spoiled.

We began by looking for sources and then ripped up magazines to find colours and finally begin our stitching. You would think that a 2 by 2 inch square would be easy to fill but it was rather more complicated AND some members had already decided to “go bigger”004 This Ghandi piece by Hilary is much bigger and must have taken her months and months.She did tell us that she had many sleepless nights trying to gets his legs to look right!!!!


Our pieces below need a lot more work and we hope to bring them along to our Jan meeting.012Thank you again for making my birthday weekend special. Cant believe it is a year since I became an OAP and the one candle on the pile of brownies at lunch was almost as  memorable as the singing. What a friendly branch we are.

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