Friday, April 20, 2012




The April NW Region Bulletin is now available.

If you are coming up for your 25 year badge please let Ann know.

The next issue of Contact magazine will be sent to you direct.

Headquarters will be putting our subscription up by £2 in September.

If you would like to order Workbox magazine at a cost of £2.05p please tell Marilyn. We have to pay in advance,

so I will need payment for your copy the month before it is due.


10 Plus Textiles have an exhibition on until 31s August at The Changing Fashion Gallery in Stoke-on Trent, Mon

- Sat 10am - 5pm and Sun 2 - 5pm. There is a leaflet for further details.

Bolton Degree Show is on 14th June 2012

Midori Matseishima is teaching Japanese embroidery at Lancashire College, Chorley from 27 -29 July and 16 -

18 November. If you are interested contact Sandra McFarlane at or Joan Webb at

webb@, for details.

Johanna is running a workshop (Patchwork and embroidery made into items) on Tuesday mornings between 9.30

and 11.30 at the Quest Centre, Barlow Way, Halliwell, BL1 3UB. It's a roll on/roll off workshop and the cost is

£7.00 per week. Machines and all materials are provided.

Wirral Branch have Maggie Grey on Thursday April 19th speaking on "Faces & Places in Paper & Stitch" at

WilliamsonArt Gallery, Slatey Rd, Birkenhead, £4.50p from 7.15pm. Contact anne.fitzgeraldl(5> by

April 12th if you wish to go so they can be sure of having enough chairs out.

Lancaster Cathedral have courses led by Sue Pilkington-Hanna. "Goldwork & Silk Shading" 18th - 21st June and

"Undertaking your own Restoration Project" 9th -13th July at a cost of £40 per day including lunch. Also "Poorly

Vestment Clinic" Sat 7th July 10-12am and l-4pm £10. To book or for more information contact Sue at 30, Castle

Rd, Whitby, N. Yorkshire YO21 3NQ; Tel. (01947) 604 645; email:


Booking forms are now available for the Summer meal at Ridgemont.

The list is available for the next workshop (23rd June) This is 2 part with a study visit with Tracy Gill bringing

lace from the RBKS collection for inspiration in the morning and an art & design workshop with Gail McArdle in

the afternoon. Everyone attending must produce a piece of work (Max. size 25cm x 25cm) for submitting to

Gawthorpe for selection for exhibiting.

Don't forget Molly's Cup title will be "Redo, Rework, Reform"

We need ideas for things to buy or pay for with the returned 40% of our loan to H.Q. - eg. An expensive speaker,

a Friday evening talk followed by a workshop on the Saturday - this would need firm commitment from members

and possibly payment in advance - or any other ideas you may have.


Could anyone who embroidered one of the postcards please let Marilyn have a brief outline of how you chose

your subject and technique.

The North West Regional Day will be held on Saturday 28th April 2012 in Preston.

If you have any ideas for new books for the library, please tell Brenda. (An IBS number would be helpful)

Raffle prizes are always welcome. Please see Judith if you have anything.

Don't forget our blog address for Bolton EG is . Also just a reminder that the Guild web address is

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